Last updated 03/03/97

Page 101

Oh my god! Where am I?

Welcome to the pit that is my Page 101. A place of Things That Should Not Be. In here, all things unspeakably foul suffer their own private torments. But you can watch!

Household Objects

It is a common error to believe that there are only humans in Page 101. In fact, there are very few humans, though there are a number of creatures which do a passable impression.


Just when you thought it was safe to watch TV, one of these can hit you...

Sounds of the Pit

Above the screams of anguish, can occasionally be heard sounds which in a highly delusional state might actually be considered musical (in the same sense that some people think their dogs talk to them). These sounds currently emmanate from:

Thanks to Tom Wheeley for bringing those last two to my attention. His attempt to rescue the Spice Girls however have proved fruitless. Thankfully.

How can I help?

As you can see, Page 101 has recently suffered a well-organised escape. The inhabitants are now at large in the community. Help is needed in tracking down these demons and returning them to their rightful place. If you think you know something that belongs in Page 101, mail me. If the mere mention of its name burns into your monitor, you've probably got one.

Do not feel pity for anyone or anything in here. Remember - They had it coming to them.

This page was created by Tom Lynn. Comments etc. to:


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