Casio Calculator Program Library

Program name: Pythagorean Theorem (v. 1.0)  --(Back to Index)--

CTF file name: pythag.ctf
Author: Clifford Barnes
Date: April 1999
Models: 9750, 9850, 9950


   This program solves for A, B, and C in the formula A^2+B^2=C^2
   (This program is good for Algebra and Geometry students.)
Program source code:
Program "PYTHAG"

   Lbl 1: "A\^2+B\^2=C\^2"   ; \^2 represents the squared symbol
   "A-PRESS 1"
   "B-PRESS 2"
   "C-PRESS 3": ? -> A
   Goto 6
   Lbl 2: If A=2
   Then Goto 7
   Else Goto 3
   Lbl 3: If A=3: Then Goto 8
   Else Goto 1
   Lbl 6: If A=1: Then Goto 9
   Else Goto 2
   Lbl 9: ClrText
   "B=" ?-> B
   "C=" ?-> C
   \sqrt D -> D   ; \sqrt means the square root button on the calculator.
   "A=": Locate 4, 1, D
   Lbl 7: ClrText
   "A=" ?-> E
   "C=" ?-> F
   (F\^2-E\^2) ->G
   \sqrt G -> G
   "B=": Locate 4, 1, G
   Lbl 8: ClrText
   "A=" ?-> H
   "B=" ?-> I
   (H^2+I^2)-> J
   \sqrt J -> J
   "C=": Locate 4, 1, J

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This page last updated: Friday, 30 April, 1999

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